Able Aura

An Ecosystem for Empowering Persons with Disabilities

Able Aura was born out of a simple question, what are the different aspects of living that a person with disability needs access to, in order to become: An Empowered Individual, An Integral Part of Society
Thus, India’s first & largest ecosystem for persons with disabilities came into being. There is an enormous reservoir of success stories waiting to be told. Able Aura is the voice and vehicle to navigate this landscape of potential.

Academies for Nurturing Excellence

Through our multi-faceted sports academy, we aim to create a unified vehicle for children with disabilities to achieve excellence, backed by a systematic approach to skill development. Our enthusiastic team of enablers put in the necessary time and effort for your child to get the attention and care he or she deserves.

Academies for Nurturing Excellence

Through our multi-faceted sports academy, we aim to create a unified vehicle for children with disabilities to achieve excellence, backed by a systematic approach to skill development. Our enthusiastic team of enablers put in the necessary time and effort for your child to get the attention and care he or she deserves.

Assisted Adventure Tours

It is a myth that persons with disability cannot enjoy vacations, go on treks and hikes, and kick back for some well-earned leisure. We conduct specialised packaged tours solely for the purpose of empowering persons with disability through travel and recreation. We put the right people and tools in place to ensure that every travellers individual needs are met.

Embark on an Adventure >

Foundation for Empowerment

Persons with Disability seldom have the opportunity to grow and develop to their highest potential. Less than 1% have economic independence, and while education is open, it is not specialised. The efforts of our carefully curated campaigns are towards developing an ecosystem that will enable and empower children to bring out their innate gifts and thrive.

Foundation for Empowerment

Persons with Disability seldom have the opportunity to grow and develop to their highest potential. Less than 1% have economic independence, and while education is open, it is not specialised. The efforts of our carefully curated campaigns are towards developing an ecosystem that will enable and empower children to bring out their innate gifts and thrive.

Living Spaces for Lifetime Care

Aura Homes is our solution for lifetime care for children having autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, locomotor and cognitive disabilities. A personalised happy place with home care, therapies, social life, education, and assisted living.

Take a 'Happy Place' Tour >

Accessible Marketplace

There are a number of products and services enabling persons affected by disabilities to enhance their standard of living. Today, technology is growing to support persons with disability in a manner previously unforeseen; and we make it our business to ensure that they are empowered with the right tools.

Shop & Explore >

Accessible Marketplace

There are a number of products and services enabling persons affected by disabilities to enhance their standard of living. Today, technology is growing to support persons with disability in a manner previously unforeseen; and we make it our business to ensure that they are empowered with the right tools.

Shop & Explore >

Transformation Begins NOW

Today, we’re looking at a world where disability need no longer be a barrier to living a fulfilled life. By bringing together cutting edge methodologies, state-of-the-art technologies, and a vibrant team of enablers, today, we’re actively building a future where empowerment is the new normal.